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Joyce Liu Countryman, Producer

Marc is more than an editor.  He's a well-rounded storyteller who approaches the story from 3 perspectives -- writer, director and editor -- and this rare combination of expertise ultimately enhance the final cut of the film.  He brings incredibly valuable insights to character, pacing, beats, and emotional impact without over-imposing his will in any way.  He's the trusted advisor in the room who collaborates beautifully to elevate the qualify of any film.  I have nothing but the highest praise and respect for Marc. 


Gary Marks, Director

A good editor is like a midwife and sculptor rolled into one. And Marc Sedaka is like the poster boy for that combination. He doesn’t just birth your baby safely, he contributes valuably to the artistic process. Plus, when you’re cooped up in a room with someone for hours on end, you want that person to be good-natured, funny, smart and smell good. Marc is all of those things and more.


Ryan Scaringe, Producer

Movies are really written in the editing room. As such, you need someone who truly grasps story and knows what will elevate the film in the editing bay. Marc Sedaka is that someone. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Marc on two projects and the value he contributed to my first feature can’t be quantified. Marc is one of the most diligent and dedicated editors I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. He's committed, accessible, and a great collaborator. Getting the opportunity to work with Marc will elevate your film and his past experience as a writer gives him a story edge that puts him leagues above other editors.

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